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NSBA | Issue Briefs

At the beginning of each new session of Congress, NSBA members gather to hear from thought leaders on countless issues facing small business, and then discuss, debate and ultimately vote on the organization’s Top 10 Priority Issues for the coming two years.

The Top 10 Priority Issues are numbered. 

Expiring Tax Provisions

With the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), Congress chose to make many of the individual
provisions temporary to limit the revenue cost of the TCJA to a level consistent with the overall constraint on the 10-year revenue loss in the Congressional Budget Resolution.


Extend 199A Pass-Through Deduction

An important tool used by a majority of Small Businesses, action is needed on 199A.


Rein in the Costs of Health Care

The Small-Business community needs substantial relief from health care costs. Over the last two decades, health care costs have been steadily increasing and, absent reform, will continue to do so at an unsustainable pace.


Repeal the Corporate Transparency Act

More can and should be done to ensure fairness for Small Business and firms in the federal marketplace.


Improve Access to Capital

Capital is the lifeblood of Small Business and Small-Business growth.

Economic Development

Strengthen SBA Office of Advocacy

The considerable free rein federal agencies have over interpreting and enforcing laws passed by Congress is too often done in a way that harms Small Businesses.


Self-Employment Tax on Health Care

Self-employed individuals, unlike large corporations, cannot fully deduct the cost of their health insurance as a business expense.


Support Robust Small-Business Contracting

More can and should be done to ensure fairness for Small Business and firms in the federal marketplace.

Economic Development

Strengthen Federal Innovation Programs

More must be done to ensure the long-term stability and viability of SBIR/STTR programs.

Economic Development

Strengthen SBA Lending

The Small Business Administration (SBA) plays a crucial role in helping Small Businesses start, run, and grow.

Economic Development

Regulatory Reform and Paperwork Reduction

Unnecessary and/or duplicative regulations disproportionately impact Small Businesses, leaving many operations struggling to survive.


Trade Regulations

Supply chain resiliency and Small-Business exporting must be a priority to support opportunities for Small Business to engage and lead trade.


Data Privacy Regulations

In an increasingly digital world, governments globally at all levels are enacting internet privacy rules proving to be complex and burdensome, particularly for many Small Businesses.


Cybersecurity and Financial Protection

Small Businesses are relying on information technology and digital tools more than ever.


Artificial Intelligence

Many Small-Business owners have expressed concern that technology regulations could harm their businesses and reported that their businesses would face challenges complying with proposed AI
regulations at the state level.


Political Reform

As a result of growing partisanship, Congress is not doing the job it was elected to do.


White House Conference on Small Business

No Administration since 1995 has assembled a White House Conference on Small Business (WHCSB).


Immigration Reform

Small-Business owners stand to be significantly impacted by various broad immigration reform
proposals, specifically as they relate to availability of workers and compliance with new and/or existing rules and regulations.


Fair Union Elections

There are a number of policy initiatives being considered by Congress and the agencies that are
designed to promote increased unionization.


Minimum Wage

Small Businesses, ravaged by a sluggish economy and lingering effects of the pandemic, are struggling to keep their doors open and keep employees on payroll.


OSHA Regulations

With the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Congress created the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) to ensure safe and healthful working conditions for workers.


Flexible Scheduling

Small-Business owners, as well as their employees, are faced with the challenging task of juggling their
personal lives with their careers.


Overtime Regulations

In 2019, the Department of Labor (DOL) issued a rule that made it so salaried workers earning less than
$35,568 annually would automatically be owed overtime pay.


Paid Family Leave

In recent years, the issue of paid family leave has garnered attention from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.


Pension Reform & Simplification

When a Small-Business owner is considering his or her retirement needs and those of his employees,
there are myriad different plans to consider with countless requirements and stipulations.


Improve Workforce Training

A Small Business that makes good hiring decisions tends to have higher productivity and lower turnover, which positively affects the bottom line.


Reinstate R&D Deduction

Starting in 2022, the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) requires businesses to amortize Research and Development (R&D) expenses over a five-year period.


Tax Reform

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) which was enacted late-2017 is now in effect, but key portions of it are only temporary - specifically those that help the majority of America’s Small Businesses.


Tax Gap

Reducing the so-called tax gap has long been proposed as one way of increasing federal revenues
without increasing tax rates.


Interstate Sales Tax

E-commerce provides businesses with access to much larger markets, but it also complicates even the simplest of retail transactions.


Deficit Reduction and Entitlement Reform

Despite some short-term improvements made in recent years, long-term debt challenges remain, and in the coming decades, the debt will squeeze budgetary resources that are vital to our economic success and competitiveness will be stymied.


Fair Tax

The current federal income tax system is broken—unfair, overly complex, and almost impossible for most Americans to understand.


Equity Capital & Crowdfunding

Equity Capital and Crowdfunding empower Small Businesses by offering alternative funding sources.

Economic Development

Patent Reform Regulations

Weakened patent laws continue to undermine the U.S. patent system.

Economic Development

Internet Neutrality

Lawmakers are at an impasse on an approach to implementing a productive legislative framework.

Economic Development

Free Trade Agreements

Free Trade Agreements enable Small Businesses to access global markets and compete internationally.

Economic Development

Strengthen Ex-Im Bank

The Export-Import Bank provides certainty for Small-Business exporters supporting economies worldwide.

Economic Development

Pass the Credit Card Competition Act

Credit card processing fees should not be a fatal cost to Small Business.

Economic Development

Digital Economy

Ensuring Small-Business participation in the digital economy must be a priority in D.C.

Economic Development

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