Much in store for small business in 2024, including new NSBA Board Leadership.

Jan. 8, 2024
Molly Day202-552-2904
Marilyn Wilson Lund Heads New Leadership at NSBA
Washington, D.C. – The National Small Business Association (NSBA) is kicking off 2024 with new Board leadership led by Marilyn Wilson Lund, founding partner of WAV Group, a full service consultancy in and the leading provider of consumer research in residential real estate and President of, North America’s largest real estate technology education portal. Wilson Lund has been an active member of the NSBA Board of Trustees for many years.
“Marilyn brings to the table her well-honed talent for marrying big picture growth with strategic operational improvements and has helped our organization not only build upon our core competencies, but urged us to seek additional avenues for content, outreach and advocacy,” stated NSBA President Todd McCracken. “Marilyn’s expertise at understanding where an organization is today and helping it move to where it needs to be down the road will be a tremendous asset as we begin implementing our strategic plan in the coming two years.”
Joining Ms. Wilson in leadership positions on the NSBA Board of Trustees for 2024 are:
Michael Canty, Allow Bellows and Precision Molding in Cleveland, Ohio as First Vice Chair;
Malcolm Prouty, LeProuty Properties in Austin, Texas, as Treasurer;
Bill Belknap, AEONRG in Downington, Pennsylvania as Vice Chair for Advocacy;
Kevin Johnson, NexGen Interactive in Cleveland, Ohio as Secretary
Joan Myers, Strategic Link Partners in Moncure, North Carolina as Vice Chair for Communications
Sanjyot Dunung, Alma Global Knowledge Media in New York, N.Y. as Vice Chair for Membership; and
Bob Treiber, Boston Engineering Corporation in Boston, Mass. as Immediate Past Chair
“I’ve spent my career helping businesses think strategically and utilize data and technology, and I can’t wait to help NSBA embark on what I know is going to be a very pivotal year in 2024,” stated Wilson. “I look forward to ensuring that the needs of small business are top-of-mind for policymakers in D.C. and throughout the election and am proud to help lead an organization known for its pragmatism and nonpartisanship.”
Please click here for more on NSBA’s Board of Trustees.
Celebrating more than 85 years in operation, NSBA is a member-driven nonpartisan organization advocating on behalf of America’s entrepreneurs. NSBA's 65,000 members represent every state and every industry in the U.S., and we are proud to be the nation’s first small-business advocacy organization. Please visit and follow us at @NSBAAdvocate.