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NEWS | NSBA Hosts Annual Meeting

In conjunction with this quarter’s Board Meeting, NSBA is looking forward to 2024.

This week, NSBA convened in Washington, D.C. for its Annual Member Meeting, as well as the final Board Meeting of 2023, where trustees reviewed and laid groundwork for the future of America’s oldest small-business advocacy organization.

In addition to approving a number of initiatives related to the roll-out of a strategic plan, a new class of trustees were presented and ratified.

Holding leadership positions for the coming year:

  • Chair - Marilyn Wilson Lund, WAV Group | Laguna Beach, Calif.

  • First Vice Chair - Michael Canty, Alloy Precision Molding | Cleveland, Ohio

  • Secretary - Kevin Johnson, NexGen Interactive | Cleveland, Ohio

  • Treasurer - Malcolm Prouty, LeProuty Properties | Austin, Texas

  • Vice Chair for Advocacy - William Belknap, AEONRG | Downington, Penn.

  • Vice Chair for Communications - Joan Myers, Strategic Link Partners | Moncure, N.C.

  • Vice Chair for Membership -  Sanjyot Dunung, Alma Global Knowledge Media | New York, N.Y.

  • Immediate Past Chair Robert Treiber, Boston Engineering Corporation | Waltham, Mass.

NSBA Immediate Past Chair Bob Treiber passes the gavel to Incoming Chair Marilyn Lund

Following adjournment of the meetings, members of the Board enjoyed a tour of the Capitol, including a visit to the House gallery, where the delegation was able to witness floor proceedings.

NSBA Board Member Virginia Zimmerman on a Capitol tour

We’re looking forward to 2024 and continuing to support the nation’s small-business




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