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NEWS | NSBA Issue Cmte. Updates

Issue committee members are NSBA’s advisors to our Board and Policy Groups.

Last Thursday, NSBA held its fourth and final installments of the year’s Economic Development and Health & Human Resources issue committee meetings. During the meetings, NSBA Director of Federal Policy Reed Westcott shared the latest news on the Continuing Appropriations Act that extended government funding through November 17 (H.R. 5860, Public Law No: 118-15), as well as the House Republicans’ internal struggle to fill vacant Speakership.

On the Economic Development issue committee call, members discussed new legislation to change the scope of the Small Business Administration’s (SBA’s) lending power. Titled as an act “To prohibit the Administrator of the SBA from directly making loans under the 7(a) loan program, and for other purposes,” H.R. 5848 would effectuate its title, and H.R. 5427, a bill “To prohibit individuals convicted of defrauding the Government from receiving any assistance from the Small Business Administration, and for other purposes,” would prevent any person convicted of defrauding the U.S. Government ineligible to receive any financial assistance from the SBA under the 7(b) program.

NSBA Issue Committee Members voiced mixed feelings on potential changes to the SBA’s 7(a) program, but overwhelmingly supported efforts to combat fraudulent enterprises from receiving small business assistance.

NSBA Members of the Health & Human Resources Issue Committee discussed two bills that would expand employee health benefits:

The Telehealth Benefit Expansion for Workers Act of 2023 (H.R. 824) would allow employers to offer stand-alone telehealth benefits; and

The Bipartisan Health Savings Account (HSA) Improvement Act of 2023 (H.R. 5688), which is intended to make HSAs more accessible.

Honorary NSBA Past Chair Gary Kushner and Leadership Council member Stephanie Hagans led a lively discussion on these bills and other proposed rule changes under the Affordable Care Act.

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