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NEWS | NSBA Leads Coalition for Tax Relief in Congress

Congress may be adjourning for August, but there is no Recess for Small Business – especially when it comes to tax policies.


Ahead of ­Congress adjourning for its annual August Recess, NSBA is leading a coalition of small-business organizations to send a letter to House Members and key Committees ­outlining priorities leading up to legislative discussions for a 2025 tax bill.

Citing the small business impact on the U.S. economy, including how small businesses supply roughly half of all private sector jobs, NSBA is leading this coalition to urge Congress to take action on pro-growth tax policies.

Specifically, NSBA and the small-business community would greatly benefit from an extension of the Section 199A deduction, as well as reinstatement of the Section 174 Research & Experimentation expensing regime. Among other mechanisms, these deductions and tools are critical to maintaining and enhancing the vitality of small businesses across the U.S.

With the letter directed at specific Members of Congress and staff with jurisdiction over tax policies, NSBA will continue to use its membership and the wider small-business community to facilitate a central role for small business in discussion and action on tax policies.

Follow NSBA as we continue tracking these policies and tax priorities, and share your small-business story, including how tax policies affect your enterprise and bottom line with our Voter Voice tool.


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