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Regulatory Rundown | Oct. 22-Nov. 4

SBA issues proposed rule to expand Rule of Two. On Oct. 25, the Small Business Administration (SBA) issued a proposed rule that would generally apply the Rule of Two to multiple-award contract task and delivery orders. Under the Rule of Two, an agency generally must set aside the award for small businesses “where there is a reasonable expectation of receiving offers from two or more small-business contract holders under the multiple-award contract that are competitive in terms of price, quality, and delivery.”

Comments on the proposed rule must be received on or before Dec. 24.

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SBA, DoD announce funds approved under SBICCT. On Oct. 22, SBA and the Department of Defense (DoD) announced 13 funds approved to be licensed by the SBA under the Small Business Investment Company Critical Technology Initiative (SBICCT). This initiative intends “to attract and scale private investment in tech areas critical to economic and national security.”

Under the initiative, “the 12 firms managing the 13 funds collectively plan to raise $2.8 billion in private capital matched by SBA-guaranteed loans to invest in over 1,000 innovative startups and small businesses” developing critical technologies.

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DOL recognizes employers committed to Veterans. On Oct. 31, the Department of Labor (DOL) recognized over 800 employers “for their commitment to employing and supporting the nation’s service members by presenting them with the 2024 Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans Medallion Award.”

The annual HIRE Vets Medallion Program recognizes veteran employment and employers, the only federal-level program that does so.

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DOL, White House welcome Apprenticeship Ambassadors. On Oct. 23, the White House hosted DOL in “welcom[ing] the latest cohort of Apprenticeship Ambassadors and recognized current ambassadors” for their “commitments to expand and diversify Registered Apprenticeships.” Since the initiative’s launch, DOL has selected 441 Apprenticeship Ambassadors.

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USTR convenes event on SME best practices. On Oct. 29, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) convened the countries of the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity virtually for a Best Practices exchange on programs for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The event highlighted, among other things, SME export information resources, export counseling, and small business centers.

The partnership participants are the U.S., Barbados, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and Uruguay.

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