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Results found for "Taxes"
- NEWS | SBTC Executive Director Jere Glover Testifies Before House on SBIR
Jere Glover was invited to testify before the House Small Business Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax programs, both in the key innovations they have produced as well as the incredible economic returns on the taxpayer
- NEWS | New Mileage Rates for 2023
payments to an employee based on business travel at a rate more than the IRS standard rate generally is taxable Follow NSBA as we track tax policy in this Congress and their policies effects on our small business
- NEWS | President Biden’s Small-Business Report Card
to support small business; and leveling the playing field for small-business owner by reforming the tax
- NEWS | NSBA Hosts Successful Annual Fly-In, 150+ Small Business Owners in Washington
the NSBA delegation received a policy update on small business priority issues, including: expiring tax Small Business Administration, and increased enforcement from the IRS to close the so-called tax gap. sessions, attendees heard from experts, including Bob Carroll, former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tax
- NEWS | NSBA, SBTC Tracking R&D Movement on Capitol Hill
The legislation would reverse a 2017 change in the tax code, which became effective in 2022, requiring
- NEWS | NSBA Supports IRS Decision to Delay 1099-K Changes
As an exclusion, Zelle was not included; however, this change means that taxpayers who recorded $600 Given the complexity of the reporting requirements, the enormous volume of taxpayers affected by the As a result of the delay, for 2023, taxpayers will only receive a form 1099-K should they exceed the That said, as part of the IRS plan to phase-in the new standard, for tax year 2024, taxpayers will receive a form 1099-K if they exceed $5,000 in taxable income through these payment services.
- NEWS | SBA Releases Report on Anti-Fraud Measures for PPP, COVID Programs
occurred, including reinstatement of checking applications against Do Not Pay databases, the checking of tax
- PRESS | NSBA Congratulates Speaker Johnson
reporting burden—the NSBA-opposed Corporate Transparency Act—the expiration of critical small-business tax
- NEWS | Big Voices for Small Business: 70m Strong and Voting
doing business, but 20th in terms of starting a business, and 64th in terms of dealing with and paying taxes
- NEWS | NSBA Hosts Annual, Quarterly Board Meeting
Richard Fleming, State Tax Group, LLC | Dallas, Texas Milan Gandhi, Med-Share, Inc. | Southfield, Mich
- NEWS | New Small Business Committee, Cmte. Leadership in Congress
key small-business issues including regulatory fairness, federal contracting access to capital and tax Ways & Means | One of the most powerful committees with jurisdiction over tax policy and finance, Rep As the chief tax-writing panel, W&M (where tax provisions must originate) and Finance have jurisdiction over all taxation matters and programs such as Social Security and Medicare.
- NEWS | NSBA Remains in Headlines for Fight Against CTA
Republicans, McCracken says, go straight for tax cuts and slashing regulations.