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Results found for "199a deduction"

  • NEWS | NSBA Supports Re-introduction of Main Street Tax Certainty Act for 199A Deduction Permanency

    The Section 199A deduction is scheduled to sunset at the end of 2025, posing countless risks and opaque supporting the Main Street Tax Certainty Act of 2025, legislation to make permanent the 20-percent deduction deduction to remain competitive. RELATED | 199A Deductions: An NSBA Priority Issue They also form the economic and social foundation for Despite its importance, the Section 199A deduction is scheduled to sunset at the end of 2025, even as

  • NEWS | NSBA Leads Coalition for Tax Relief in Congress

    Specifically, NSBA and the small-business community would greatly benefit from an extension of the Section 199A deduction, as well as reinstatement of the Section 174 Research & Experimentation expensing regime. Among other mechanisms, these deductions and tools are critical to maintaining and enhancing the vitality

  • NEWS | NSBA Supports Main Street Tax Certainty Act

    prevent rate hikes on America’s individually and family-owned businesses by making permanent the Section 199A 20 percent deduction. This deduction was created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act but is scheduled to sunset at the end of 2025 As the letter notes: Making the Section 199A deduction permanent will help Main Street during this very Separate studies…found that making the pass-through deduction permanent would result in significantly

  • ACTION ALERT | Urge Lawmakers to Support Tax Fairness

    Main Street Tax Certainty Act (S. 1706/H.R. 4721), which would make permanent the 20 percent Section 199A deduction.

  • BRIEF | Reinstate the Annual R&D Deduction

    Lawmakers should act immediately to reverse this extremely problematic change to a five-year R&D amortization.

  • PRESS | NSBA Applauds Inclusion of R&D Deduction in Ways & Means Bill

    "The ability to immediately deduct R&D expenses is especially important for small firms...." RELEASE June 12, 2023 Contact; Molly Day 202-552-2904 NSBA Applauds Inclusion of R&D Deduction provisions in this legislation, the most pressing of which would allow small businesses to immediately deduct many of these firms found out this year that, due to arbitrary sunset dates, they had to spread the deduction The ability to immediately deduct R&D expenses is especially important for small firms, many of which

  • NEWS | House Agrees to Working Approach for Critical Tax Extenders

    There are a handful of critical small-business tax provisions, like 199A, the Qualified Business Income Deduction, that were passed as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017, which will expire,

  • PRESS | Small Business Votes Extending Expiring Tax Provisions as Top Priority Issue

    Extend 199A Pass-Through Deduction 3.       Rein in the Costs of Health Care 4.      

  • PRESS | NSBA 2024 Survey on Taxation and Small Business

    front-and-center as Congress must address the expiration of various small-business tax cuts including the 199A Qualified Business Income Deduction—top priorities as voted on at NSBA’s recent Small Business Congress

  • NEWS | House Unveils Budget Resolution Aligned with NSBA Priorities for Tax Cuts

    This bill is a vital first step toward extension of critical tax provisions, like Section 199A, that Without the extension of these provisions alongside the TCJA individual rate reductions, beginning at

  • NEWS | R&D Amortization Provisions Providing Bipartisan Forum in Congress

    language are several provisions that would help small business: reinstate the ability to immediately deduct and Jobs Act, which became effective in 2022, requiring small businesses to amortize R&D investment deductions over five years, rather than being able to deduct them as an expense in the year that they are made. The ability to immediately deduct R&D expenses is especially important for small firms, many of which RELATED PRESS | NSBA Applauds Inclusion of R&D Deduction in Ways & Means Bill After lengthy debate, the

  • IN MEMORIAM | Life and Legacy of Ron Cohen

    Ron served as NSBA’s—at the time NSBU’s—volunteer president in 1994. He played a critical role in the 1995 White House Conference on Small Business and served on the NSBA

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