Tools for your Small Business
Below, NSBA has compiled a collection of resources to connect small-business owners with the help they need. While our forte is federal policy — we were the first small-business advocacy shop in D.C. — we know you may need different resources at different times, and we look forward to further curating this collection!
SBA Backed Loans
Learn about the many different SBA loans, determine which fits your needs and get connected with lenders.
Funding through Venture Capital
Learn more about investment and venture capital options for your small business.
Disaster Assistance
SBA provides low-interest disaster loans to help businesses recover from declared disasters.
SBA HUBZone Program
The HUBZone program supports small businesses in historically underutilized areas.
SBA Office of the Inspector
Report waste, abuse, and fraud related to SBA programs.
Securities & Exchange Commission
Small Business Capital Raising Hub
Get all the information you need on investment and raising capital for your small business.
U.S. Department of the Interior | Indian Affairs
Native American Business Grant Development Institute (NABDI) Grant
Helping tribal leaders evaluate and identify viable economic opportunities.
The Export-Import Bank of the U.S. | NSBA Corporate Partner
Working Capital Loan Guarantee Program
Empowering exporters to access capital, fulfill sales, and take on new business abroad.
Loan Guarantee Program
Options for loan financing to creditworthy international buyers purchasing goods and services.
Direct Loan Program
Fixed rate loans to creditworthy international buyers purchasing U.S. goods and services.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Providing equal credit opportunities (ECOA)
Resources for deciphering lending requirements of the ECOA.
IRS Small Business and Self-Employed One-Stop Resource
Resources for 1040s or 1040-SRs, Schedules C, E, F or Form 2106, as well as small businesses with assets under $10 million.
Small-Business Tax Credit Programs
Extending critical tax benefits, like the Employee Retention Credit and Paid Leave Credit.
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
New Markets Tax Credit
Unlocking investment potential for small business.
SBA Office of Advocacy
The federal watchdog for small business within the regulatory bureaucracy.
Federal Contracting
Register with the System for Award Management
A requirement for winning contracts, basic ordering agreements, or blanket purchase agreements.
Procurement notices from federal contracting offices, including pre-solicitation notices, solicitation notices, award notices, and sole source notices.
Federal Agency Procurement Forecasts
Explore planned federal contracting opportunities.
The U.S. Department of Defense
Office of Small Business Programs
Designated support for small businesses, including women and minority veterans.
Association of Procurement Technical Assistance Centers
Locate your nearest PTACs for no-cost advising on all aspects of selling to the federal, state, and local government.
U.S. General Services Administration (GSA)
Getting on the GSA Schedule
FAQs and information on becoming a federal supplier.
Government Contracting Factsheets
Finding opportunities and navigating the federal marketplace.
Doing Business with GSA Video Series
Basics and guidance on getting the most from your government contract.
Register Your Business
Requirements for all vendors working with the GSA.
Research and the Federal Market
Find opportunities for your business to become a GSA vendor.
GSA Advantage
Browse the online catalog of products offered through GSA Schedules.
Obtain a Unique Entity Identifier
A requirement for entities registered in the System for Award Management.
Get a North American Industrial Classification System code
NAICS codes are used to communicate your industry and find opportunities through various resources.
Verify your small business status on the Small Business Administration website
Verify the qualifying size of your business, and begin the certification process to be eligible for opportunities in the following socioeconomic groups:
U.S. Small Business Administration
Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contract Program
Five percent of all federal contracting dollars are awarded to women-owned small businesses each year.
SBA HUBZone Program
Fueling small-business growth in historically underutilized business zones.
Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS') Category Management and Strategic Sourcing
DHS efforts to increase acquisition efficiency.
Small Business Vendor Outreach Systems
Providing small businesses a platform to discuss capabilities to learn about DHS procurements and large business subcontracting and partnering opportunities.
Ten sessions of 15-minute pre-arranged virtual meetings with small businesses, conducted by DHS Small Business Specialists. Four of the sessions are exclusively reserved for women-owned, service-disabled veteran-owned, small disadvantaged (including 8(a)), and HUBZone small businesses.
Optimizing the way government buyers source products and services, enabling small businesses to easily bid, win, and manage contracts.
Workforce Rules & Training
Occupational Safety and Health Administration | Ensuring safe and healthful working conditions for workers by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education, and assistance.
OSHA Small Business
Information on complying with OSHA standards.
Regulatory Support & Assistance
Small Business Non-Retaliation Policy
Maintaining an environment where small businesses are free to raise questions or concerns or complain about GSA actions or policies.
New and Small Businesses
The Wage and Hour Division (WHD) of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) administers and enforces some of the nation’s most comprehensive federal labor laws.
Licenses & Permits
Find out what kind of federal licenses and permits your business is likely to need. -
Regulatory Alerts
The SBA Office of Advocacy posts regulatory alerts on any proposed rulemaking that stands to impact small businesses. -
Ombudsman's Office
SBA's National Ombudsman works for small businesses to assist them with excessive federal regulatory issues.
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting
Submit to the BOI Registry.
Top of Page
Health Care
HHS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Dedicated to advancing health equity, expanding coverage, and improving health outcomes.
CMS Small Business Administration Ombudsman
Assisting small entities doing business with, seeking changes in regulations, or pursuing grant or contract assistance from CMS.
Environmental Concerns & Energy Efficiency
Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency
DSIRE is the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies supporting renewables and energy efficiency in the U.S.
EPA | Resources for Small Businesses
Small Business Solutions and Opportunities
Responsible for the implementation of Section 15(k) of the Small Business Act, ensuring small businesses are afforded maximum practicable opportunities to participate in EPA’s acquisitions.
Contracting with EPA
Information on doing business with EPA, including important elements of the contracting process, points of contact and information on the regulations and policies applicable to EPA acquisitions.
Small Business Vendor Database
Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization.
Procurement Forecast
Optimizing bidding companies’ time searching for procurement opportunities.
Regulatory Flexibility for Small Entities
Providing small entities expanded opportunities to participate in the development of certain regulations.
Innovation & Intellectual Property
The Small Business Innovation Research Program
Funding a diverse portfolio of startups and small businesses across technology areas and markets.
The EPA and SBIR
Annual solicitations for Phase I and Phase II research proposals from science and technology-based firms.
The GSA and SBIR
GSA awards and administers Phase I/II/III work on behalf of clients in participating agencies.
Discovering Small Business Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics
Connecting small businesses with people and resources to help them grow.
International Business Innovation Association
Advancing small business incubation and entrepreneurship through information, education, advocacy, and networking.
U.S. Department of Transportation
Volpe Center
Advancing transportation innovation for the public good.
Technical Assistance & Training
Schedule B Search Engine | U.S. Census Bureau
Classify your product and its Schedule B number, with the Harmonized System Classification code (HS code).
Health Insurance for your Business and Employees
A resource to learn more about health insurance products and services for your employees.
Minority & Women’s Business Resources
U.S. Department of the Interior | Indian Affairs
Starting a Business
Providing technical assistance, training, and funding to help Tribes and Tribal members start their businesses.
Running a Business
Seeking to create a tribal environment for economic progress with training, education, and strategic advice to make the most of business opportunities.
Native American Business Grant Development Institute (NABDI) Grant
Helping tribal leaders evaluate and identify viable economic opportunities for their communities.
Indian Loan Guarantee and Insurance Program (ILGP)
Offering 18 loan guarantees totaling over $125 million.
U.S. Small Business Administration
Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contract Program
Awarding at least 5 percent of all federal contracting dollars to women-owned small businesses annually.
Minority Business Development Agency
The only federal agency solely dedicated to the growth and global competitiveness of minority business enterprises.
Veteran Business Resources
The Small Business Administration
Office of Veterans Business Development
Maximizing the availability of administration small-business programs for veterans and their dependents or survivors.
U.S. General Services Administration
Interagency Task Force on Veterans Small Business Development (IATF)
Improving opportunities and access for veteran-owned and service-disabled owned small-businesses, including access to capital, federal contracting, counseling, among other business development tools and services.
Department of Veterans’ Affairs
Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU)
Apply for and manage VA benefits and services, like health care, disability, education, and more.
Events and Contacts
Register to participate in upcoming events.
The National Veteran Business Development Council
NVBDC | An NSBA Corporate Partner
The original certification agency for service‐disabled and veteran‐owned businesses in the United States
Exporting/Global Trade
Providing practical advice and business tools to help U.S. companies expand in global markets.
The Export-Import Bank of the U.S. | NSBA Corporate Partner
Official export credit agency of the United States, unlocking solutions, leveling the playing field and filling gaps in private sector financing.
Export Credit Insurance
Increasing small-business exports by limiting international risk, offering credit to international buyers, and enabling greater access to access working capital funds.
Business Data
Schedule B Search Engine | U.S. Census Bureau
Classify your product, and its Schedule B number, with the help of a Harmonized System Classification code (HS code).
Small Business Goaling
Download or run reports on various domains.
Disaster Resources
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
FEMA Small Business Program
Assisting small businesses in the pursuit of federal procurements.
Exclusive NSBA Member Tools and Resources
Angel Oak Mortgage Solutions
High-quality mortgage experience and customized loan products specifically for the members of NSBA.
Amex GBT
Travel tools for small business.
CIS Controls
Cybersecurity best practices and resources for small business.
EX-IM Bank
Collaborating to connect NSBA members with the tools needed to complete in the global marketplace.
Advanced cybersecurity protection for your small business.
Technology Tools and Solutions
Dell Technologies offers NSBA members cutting-edge Laptops, Desktops and All-in-One systems.
IT for Your Small-Business Team
Easy and affordable small-business IT solutions.
Save significantly on payment processing costs.
An exclusive free trial for NSBA members.
IHG Business Edge
Guaranteed small-business discounts.
Small Business Disputes Resolved
American Arbitration Association
Alternative Dispute Resolution with AAA.
Secure Your Small Business' Digital Assets
ESET Controls
Tailored security solutions.
Compliance for your Small Business
Wolters Kluwer
Big regulatory solutions for your small business.