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NSBA | Surveys

SURVEY | Taxation and Small Business - 2024

It is imperative Small Businesses are afforded tax stability, predictability, and permanency, not to mention parity, with larger entities.

Taxation, Featured

SURVEY | Taxation and Small Business - 2024

SURVEY | The CTA - What It Means for Small Business

Among the key data: the average small-business owner is looking at compliance costs for CTA of nearly $8,000 - in the first year alone.


SURVEY | The CTA - What It Means for Small Business

SURVEY | Noncompete & Nondisclosure Agreements

A moratorium on noncompete/nondisclosure agreements may be causing more grief than good for small-business owners nationwide.

ERA, Economic Development

SURVEY | Noncompete & Nondisclosure Agreements

SURVEY | Banking & Lending Security Poll

In light of the recent Silicon Valley Bank collapse, NSBA polled its small-business community on its banking needs and challenges.

Economic Development

SURVEY | Banking & Lending Security Poll

SURVEY | 2023 NSBA Economic Report

With 86 percent of small businesses anticipating either a flat or recessionary economy today, the highest this indicator has been since 2011 at the height of the great recession, it is clear there is a true need for policy changes affecting the nation's small-business community.

Economic Development

SURVEY | 2023 NSBA Economic Report

SURVEY | Politics of Small Business 2022

Every two years, prior to a national election, NSBA publishes its Politics of Small Business Survey. This year, as in past years, we found that small-business owners continue to be extremely engaged. Download this report to learn more.

Economic Development

SURVEY | Politics of Small Business 2022

SURVEY | Business Planning & Digital Utilization

Small Businesses are working in different ways, relying more and more on digital connections and working to ensure their business can survive another major disruption.

Economic Development

SURVEY | Business Planning & Digital Utilization

SURVEY | 2022 Small Business Exporting Survey

How small firms do business globally.

Trade, Economic Development

SURVEY | 2022 Small Business Exporting Survey

SURVEY | 2021 Small-Business Recovery and Technology Report

Our report found that, although small business is continuing to fight back from the pandemic, confidence and economic outlook remain much lower than pre-pandemic levels.

Economic Development

SURVEY | 2021 Small-Business Recovery and Technology Report

SURVEY | 2020 Politics of Small Business

The 2020 Politics of Small Business Survey showed small-business owners’ political allegiances deepening, mirroring our nation’s growing political divide. Download this report to learn more.

Economic Development

SURVEY | 2020 Politics of Small Business

SURVEY | COVID 19 and the Path Forward with Small Business

NSBA has conducted its third COVID-19-related survey with the goal of providing the real-world implications of the pandemic and economic downturn and its likely long-term effects. This survey was taken among 630 small-business owners June 16-23.

Economic Development

SURVEY | COVID 19 and the Path Forward with Small Business

SURVEY | 2020 Small-Business COIVD Relief Response

This survey was conducted online among more than 980 small-business owners from April 15-18.

Economic Development

SURVEY | 2020 Small-Business COIVD Relief Response

SURVEY | 2018 Mid-Year Economic Report

According to NSBA data from as far back as 1993, there is a clear correlation to a small-business owner’s ability to hire
and his/her ability to get financing.

Economic Development

SURVEY | 2018 Mid-Year Economic Report

SURVEY | 2018 Small-Business Taxation Survey

No surprises: Payroll taxes and income taxes were ranked the top two most burdensome taxes for small businesses.


SURVEY | 2018 Small-Business Taxation Survey

SURVEY | 2018 Workforce and Hiring Report

For this report, NSBA partnered with ZipRecruiter, the fastest-growing online employment marketplace, connectingmillions of small- and mid-sized business owners with job seekers through innovative mobile, web, and email services.


SURVEY | 2018 Workforce and Hiring Report

SURVEY | 2017 Small Business Regulations Survey

Among the most compelling data in the survey, we found that the average small-business owner is spending at
least $12,000 every year on regulations, and nearly one-in-three spends more than 80 hours each year dealing
with federal regulation.

Economic Development, ERA

SURVEY | 2017 Small Business Regulations Survey

SURVEY | 2016 Year-End Economic Report

When it comes to confidence in their own business, the findings showed positive gains, however not quite to the level as the positive gains in overall economic outlook.

Economic Development

SURVEY | 2016 Year-End Economic Report
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